Our roof cleaning process is similar to our house washing process. We use a safe, low pressure cleaning solution that removes black streaks, algae, moss, and lichen.
Is your house covered with the unsightly green algae? Spider webs? Dirt? Rust? No problem! Our soft wash process will easily clean all of those contaminates leaving behind a beautiful fresh shine.
By cleaning your gutters, you are able to prevent your gutters from overflowing and possibly falling off.
Pressure washing is our preferred method of exterior cleaning when it comes to hard surfaces such as concrete patios, driveways, and sidewalks.
We can clean both composite/ vinyl material as well as wooden decks and fences. Our process for each is slightly different.
We treat every project with the respect it deserves, and don't stop until you are satisfied.
Our employees are all screened and professional workers. They will take complete care of your property.
We promise you will be 100% satisfied with our work or you don't have to pay for it!
We use the right chemical for the right job every time. We have been trained in exterior cleaning to ensure the absolute best results every time!
We offer services for both commercial and residential customers.
Wild West Washing offers the top exterior cleaning solutions to the the Tampa Bay Area area and surrounding locations.
Ever look at your house and wonder how to make it fresh looking? Are you embarrassed by the dirt that seems to be stuck on every surface, or maybe even worse: Mother Nature herself has taken a toll with rainwater stains and pollen build up.
No need for worry when we come knocking! We can help take care of those problem areas including gutters/eaves; decks; patios pavements sidewalks AND windows - all while providing reasonable prices beat expectation service so contact us today before its too late!
We have many 5 star reviews across the internet because of our number one desire of ensuring that all of our customers are 100% satisfied with our work!
Got a question? We’re here to help.
The simple answer to this question is yes, power washing can and in many cases will cause damage to your siding. This is one of the main reasons why we choose to offer soft washing which is a much safer and more effective way of cleaning your siding.
Soft washing is a popular alternative to power washing. It is a process of using cleaning solutions and soaps to gently clean your exterior surfaces rather than using dangerous high pressure washing.
We accept all types of payment including cash, checks, credit cards and Apple pay.
A typical 2 story house takes us normally anywhere from 2 hours to 4 hours depending on the size and difficulty of the property.
After a roof wash, you can expect your roof to remain clean for up to 4 years. However, this can vary drastically based on factors like humidity and shade in your area.